Portland Leadership Institute
Portland Leadership Institute
Nourish the Leader Within You
Nourish the Leader Within You

Excellence in Leadership & Teambuilding
Manage Your Boss:
Secrets from the Best
Your relationship with your boss could make or break your career.
Is that relationship effective? How do you maintain and improve it? How do you know when it begins to go sour, and what can you do about that? What makes your boss tick?
We’ll begin the day by using the DiSC®, a validated behavioral assessment tool, to understand who you are, and then you’ll learn how to make reliable judgments about your boss. We’ll help you determine where you are most effective, where you need support, and what your boss needs from you. The DiSC®gives you personal information that helps ensure your improvement and success as a leader. Through videos, conversation, and interaction with others, you will develop an awareness of your personal leadership profile as you expand your leadership capabilities.
With the DiSC® you will learn about four basic behavioral styles:
- D, Dominance. Active, assertive, take direct action
- i, influence. People focused, friendly, optimistic
- S, Steady. Calm, supportive, cooperative
- C, Conscientiousness. Detailed, accurate, complete
The second half of the session will focus on techniques to improve your relationship with your boss.
1. How can you make your boss’ job easier? You’ll learn how to be a leader for your boss, be a resource, and build credibility.
2. How do you respond to your boss. We’ll help you understand how to delegate and accept delegation, manage your boss’ time, and not take it personally when something negative happens.
3. What else do you need to do? We’ll teach you how to market yourself, work with your boss’ closest associates, understand what’s important about your boss' career, and cultivate compatible personal interests.
This workshop is typically offered as either a half day or full day session. It can be tailored for either a corporate or a conference setting. The DiSC® is completed prior to the session, and computerized results are delivered to participants immediately upon completion of the assessment.