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Excellence in Leadership & Teambuilding

Generational Differences

in the Workplace:

Let's Work Together

Have you ever wondered how they REALLY think?

Why aren't they as committed as you are?

Are you just too old (or young)?

Are THEY just too young (or old)?

The reality is that workers change between their 20s and their 60s, the generations themselves exhibit interesting differences, and it is perfectly natural to question the work ethic or resistance to change exhibited by those who are not like you. These talks focus on differences and similarities between the generations, and identify tools and techniques to help us improve our working relationships.

The two SHRM 2018 presentations are:

Mentoring Millennials: MicroFeedback, Reverse and Group Mentoring, and .....

Older generations grew up with long and ineffective one-on-one feedback sessions. Senior leaders told newcomers how it was, often to blank stares. Today is different: the best mentors specialize in brief and pointed conversations, focusing on one small item. In this session we'll see how all generations can work together. We'll explore giving microfeedback to millennials, reverse feedback to Boomers and describe group mentoring with the Xers, allowing us to grow together and succeed.

This session helps you:

  • Understand the differences between the generations
  • Explore the changing importance of mentoring in the modern organization
  • Learn what microfeedback is, and how to deliver it
  • Learn what reverse mentoring is and how to deliver it
  • Learn how group mentoring works

------and, on the SHRM SmartStage------

So You Think You Know Millennials: Think Again

Are there differences between the generations, or is it just YOUR age? If “they” annoy you, think of how you thought (or will think) at THEIR age. We’ll take an amusing look at the similarities and differences between each generation (Boomers, GenX, Millennials), and study differences between age groups (25-35, 35-42, 42-50, etc.). The conclusion: history repeats itself; or, it’s up to each of us to work more effectively with members of other generations.

Attendees will improve their ability to work well with members of other generations, making the entire workplace more effective. They will learn:

  • To understand age similarities/differences and generation similarities/differences, and how they impact organization effectiveness
  • To break down generational stereotypes by listening to audience members describe who they are as members of these groups and to feel firsthand what that means
  • To observe that working within and through these differences is important in creating a vibrant organization and an engaged workforce
  • To create action steps for the organization to move forward in its quest for excellence


Finally, we are pleased to present our generational model, the product of nearly 40 years of research. Many people utilize a model showing only generational differences; others show how we change as we age. Our model overlays the generational model on a model of age differences, to explain how we truly behave.

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