Portland Leadership Institute
Portland Leadership Institute
Nourish the Leader Within You
Nourish the Leader Within You

Excellence in Leadership & Teambuilding
Jeanna Benevento, Soul Mentor and Executive Chef

In the spring of 2005 my life was blessed by a trip to Peru and the opportunity to study with the medicine people. Our days were filled with prayer, ceremony, respect, and a zest for life. Living among these people taught me that to share brings forth spiritual and energetic healing. They were wonderful hosts and graciously cooked and served our meals, reminding me of our large Italian family dinners.
Today I use the title Soul Mentor to describe my work. A Soul Mentor opens a door so that you can find your path, meets you where you are, and creates an opportunity for personal growth. A Soul Mentor nourishes your body and soul. There are three intertwined branches to my practice: Chef, mentor/ group facilitator, and witness to sacred life transitions. A practice that stretches
from being present for the first breath as a certified doula to witnessing the sacred last breath as a hospice volunteer. Whether I’m sitting with a new Mom, a dying person or facilitating a circle, my guidance is heart based.
My training enables me to nourish both the body and soul. This training includes a Master’s degree in Applied Psychology, Swedish Massage, Cabrini Ministry, Hospice, Labor Doula, Healing Touch, Sound Healing and Infant Massage. Growing up in a large Italian family I was in the kitchen at a young age. From a simple cup of tea with cookies, to a lavish 7 course Italian meal, I prepare the food with love.